Fremont County Public and Private Airports, Idaho:

Fremont County Airports and Facilities. Listings include private and public airports and landing fields, as well as address, airport id, phone number for general operator or owner and contact information. Airports fall into public and private categories. Restricted and Military air fields are listed as private. To find airports in the other counties in this state click here.

Bowman Field Airport - ID52
Chester, Idaho
Facility Usage: Private
Gail Bowman Marva Bowman
P.O. Box 35
Chester, ID 83421
(208) 624-4241

Henrys Lake Airport - U53
Lake-Island Park, Idaho
Facility Usage: Public
State Of Id, Itd Div Of Aero
P.O. Box 7129
Boise, ID 83707
(208) 334-8775

Stanford Field Airport - U12
St Anthony, Idaho
Facility Usage: Public
City Of St. Anthony
110 W Main St
Stanthony, ID 83445
(208) 624-3494

Public Records in Fremont County - Provides access to a variety of government websites in Fremont County. This is a great place to find out about permits, licenses, aviation rules and regulations, taxes, and a lot of other public resources.